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A New Way To Provide Care

Care Professionals are extraordinary people. We entrust them with our lives and our loved ones.

Our belief is that your care should be provided by Care Professionals who feel valued, unhurried, and happy. 


To recognise our Care Professionals' commitment, skill, and responsibility for people's lives, they have the opportunity to own a part share in the company and a share-out of profit.


Our pioneering reward scheme gives reassurance that Ribbesford's outstanding care and support is provided by likeminded experts, bound by a shared commitment to always deliver excellence in care.

Our Story

Supporting a loved one through a terminal illness provided Ribbesford's founder with first hand experience of the importance of home care and how it affects people's lives.


Witnessing both good quality care and unsafe care for a loved one demonstrated how difficult it is to provide continuity of high standards of care. This felt especially important when a loved one and their family entrusted their lives to Care Professionals, and were wholly dependent on the Care Provider to ensure that there were no mistakes in the provision of care, no missed visits, and no unexpected or unplanned events that could put a loved one at increased risk of suffering. 


A strong determination developed to help ensure other families avoided poor quality of care, and instead were supported by Care Professionals capable and willing to always provide excellence in care. The eventual loss of their loved one inspired the founder's passion for home care.


For the next decade, Ribbesford's founder experienced working in the UK's leading home care companies, learning from outstanding Care Professionals, and witnessing how home care works, and how care can let people down in the most devastating ways. The early roots of Ribbesford were formed in these years of highs and lows.


Working alongside extraordinary Care Professionals driven by their altruistic and selfless characteristics, it became clear that while holding the responsibility for vulnerable people's lives, they often provided outstanding care at their own personal cost, both financial and to the detriment of their health and wellbeing.


It became clear to the founder that the home care sector needed a new model of care. A model that would put Care Professionals at the centre, and provide them with a pay, career development and reward package to inspire the best talent to remain in the sector. Because without enough people to provide excellence in care, vulnerable adults and children will suffer. 


Ribbesford's purpose is to provide outstanding Care Professionals the foundation to provide excellence in care within a nurturing, developmental and fulfilling environment. Our aim is to remove the pressure and strain on Care Professionals and their families, so they can enjoy life too.


By inviting qualifying employees to own a share in the company and a share of its profits, along with a material say in the strategic direction and in the day-to-day decisions of the business, Ribbesford's Care Professionals enjoy a career within a positive, calm environment that ensures they too have time for life to happen.


We believe that our pioneering reward scheme will ensure that our clients receive the very highest standards of care from committed Care Professionals, by removing the reasons why Care Professionals choose to leave, and instead creating a new and exciting working environment for our Care Professionals to enjoy. 


Ribbesford is proud to recognise outstanding Care Professionals with our pioneering reward scheme, and we hope that we will further enhance the extraordinary and vital service they provide to the vulnerable adults and children in our communities, and ensure that no-one suffers through lack of high quality care.

Smiling Woman


Provide excellence in care and support to vulnerable people and their families and reward Care Professionals with a career pathway, fulfilment and a share in company success.


To make home care an exciting and rewarding career and avoid unnecessary suffering through always having available skilled and experienced Care Professionals.

Two older people sitting
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