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Respite Care

Respite Care offers a short-term care arrangement designed to provide a much-needed break or time off for you or your loved one's primary carer.


At Ribbesford Home Care, our Respite Care service is designed with both you and your regular carer in mind. It allows your usual carer to take a well-deserved rest, ensuring they return to their care-giving role rejuvenated and better equipped to care for you.


We recognise that carers must also prioritise their own well-being to provide the best possible care to their loved ones. Rest and self-care are essential, and having a trustworthy individual to step in and look after your loved one is where we come in.


Our dependable and compassionate Care Professionals are thoroughly trained, vetted, and experienced, offering carers the peace of mind they need to take that much-needed break.

Home carer and older man sitting together

Respite Care For Carers

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As a carer, having a trusted Care Professional support your loved one provides you with precious time to tend to your personal needs, run errands, enjoy some time outside the home, and recharge both mentally and physically. This additional support allows you to take better care of yourself, ultimately enhancing your ability to care for your loved one.


Short breaks can be immensely beneficial, not just for yourself but also for the person you care for. They offer opportunities for different experiences, attend training courses, and the chance to meet new people, helping you feel re-energised, confident, and refreshed.

Benefits of Respite Care


The advantages extend to both carers and their loved ones:


  • Reduced stress levels for both you and your loved one, fostering a healthier relationship.

  • Relief from frustrations and potential feelings of resentment.

  • More time for you to engage with family, friends, or the wider community.

  • Opportunities for you to work, study, take a day off, or even go on holiday.

  • Your loved one may benefit from interacting with other Care Professionals, bringing exposure to new stimuli, and a positive change to their usual routine.


Types of Respite Care


Our Respite Care service is adaptable and tailored to your unique needs. Our care options include:


  • Short-term care and support packages: For instance, when the regular caregiver or loved one plans a holiday, we can provide support either at home or at the holiday destination.

  • Longer-term regular visits: These enable carers to take scheduled breaks for rest and rejuvenation, such as daily or weekly visits.


If you require more regular support, we are equipped to care for individuals with complex needs within the comfort of their own homes. Regardless of your requirements, please reach out to us today to explore how we can assist you.


Respite Care Services


Our Care Professionals can assist your regular caregiver by offering a variety of services, including:


  • Companionship

  • Outings

  • Overnight care

  • Holiday care

  • Personal care

  • Mealtime assistance

  • Household chores

  • Shopping

  • Medication management


If you need alternative home support services not mentioned above, please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.

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